Edison Insurance – You will need to register your policy on your first visit to the site.
Payment – https://www.edisoninsurance.com/Login?Returnurl=https://portal.edisoninsurance.com//Consumer/Policy-Management
Claim - http://www.edisoninsurance.com/Claims/Report-a-Claim
American Traditions Insurance – You will need to register your policy on your first visit to the site. (this is not required to file a claim
Payment – https://portal.jergermga.com/CustomerPortal/
Claim -https://portal.jergermga.com/CustomerPortal/. Then click on Report a claim at the top.
Travelers Insurance – You will need to register your policy on your first visit to the site.
Payment – https://selfservice.travelers.com/login/#/
Claim - https://www.travelers.com/claims/report-claim/index.aspx
SAFECO Insurance – You will need to register your policy on your first visit to the site.
Payment – https://customer.safeco.com/accountmanager/Login/login.aspx
Claim – https://customer.safeco.com/accountmanager/Login/login.aspx
Allied Insurance – You will need to register your policy on your first visit to the site.
Payment –http://www.alliedinsurance.com/insurance-policy-access.jsp
Claim – http://www.alliedinsurance.com/insurance-policy-access.jsp
Progressive Auto Insurance
Payment - https://onlineservice7.progressive.com/SelfService.Web/SelfService.aspx?Page=Login.AuthenticateUser&QueryStringSetKey=SessionGateway&OfferingID=SelfService&SessionStart=TRUE&FD=AuthKeyClaimService
Claim - https://www.progressive.com/claims/process/
Hartford Auto Insurance
Payment – https://service.thehartford.com/consumer/public/service/login
Claim - https://thehartford.worxbranding.com/personal-auto
Citizens Insurance - You can proceed without registration for a one time payment. However, it is recommended that you register your policy on your first visit to the site.
Payment – https://www.citizensfla.com/payments
Claim - https://www.citizensfla.com/claims
If you do not see your company listed here please call the toll free number for the carrier on your declarations page. You are always welcome to call our office for information or to make your payment and file a claim. In the event the above links aren't working please copy and paste them to your search bar.
If you have no or limited insurance and suffered damage from a hurricane, you may qualify for Federal Assistance through FEMA. Certain qualifications and restrictions apply. Find out if you qualify and how to apply for assistance by visiting DisasterAssistance.gov or call 800-621-3362.
Hurricane Damage - Click here to find your carrier and file a claim